Hi! How are you doing? We are in week 4 of quarantine and I have moments of feeling like I’m totally losing my mind and instances where I feel happy and content. To be honest I don’t think I have fully wrapped my head around the situation – it becomes very real when we go grocery shopping (we go every 6-8 days it seems) and everyone is wearing a mask. I think it’s comforting to stay safe and sound at home, only seeing the people you normally would at home (neighbors, people walking their dogs down the street, construction workers, delivery services) and feel like life is paused but also continuing. I’m so grateful for my family, feeling distracted and consumed by my kids and just knowing that we are all in this together. What we are doing IS working. The projections of COVID-19 are slowly going down because we are social distancing. So knowing that we aren’t the only ones at home, feeling the effects of isolation, is a reminder that together we are stronger. Ultimately this will be a bump in the road and I truly feel as a nation we will come out of this stronger, unified with a more common goal and understanding of what our world needs, what is important to us and what just isn’t.
I don’t have a ton of motivation to work these days. My business has been affected. My business strategy has shifted. Professional goals that I made for myself have changed. Complete projects have been postponed or cancelled. It’s ok. 2020 will be a year I look back on as a fork in the road and which way do you go? Right or left. I’m still deciding what this whole thing means for my business and where I want to take it but I’m feeling a pull and I like the direction it’s taking me.
On IG, I asked you guys to use one word to describe how you’re feeling right now and here are some that you sent:
Calm, heavy, secure, tired, grateful, claustrophobic, drained, hopeful, restless, unmotivated, anxious, overwhelmed, depleted, numb, sad, defeated, blah, content, guilty, exhausted, limbo, worried, lost, disoriented, crabby, lonely, weird.
It’s a lot and I first want to say that I think it is okay to feel all of these things. I do, too. I think the hardest part is not having an end in sight. We hear April 30 (for most states?) but I think we all know that this period of time and the effects of this will last far longer. Businesses that we love will no longer exist, social distancing will be a major thing for a long time, socializing in general will be different. All of us are going to have to decide what part of our normal is the most important. The way we work will change. In the end I think what we need and want will look a lot more clear but for now it just feels weird.
So what do we do now? I think we try to take a deep breath and take it day by day. “When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” I think that’s the best we can do. Let the days be slower, let your house be messy, bake the cookies and then eat the entire batch. Remember that this too shall pass and it’s going to be good.
But for now, we are all in this together.
The post How are you doing? appeared first on Hello Adams Family.