9 Baby Photo Shoot Ideas at Home - It’s natural for any parent to want to capture every little moment of their baby’s existence, which is how the idea of baby photoshoots came about, in the first place. However, baby shoots tend to be quite expensive, and what, with the whole pandemic that’s going on, is difficult to organize.
So why not do your very own baby photo shoot right at home? You can do these yourself, or hire a professional photographer if you like, but below, you’ll find some baby photoshoot ideas to get you started.
For most of these, you will need little to no props, and in most cases, those props will also have everyday use, such as a binkie, or a baby cap.
1. The Wrap-Up

The wrapped-up photoshoot is a super simple one, yet often yields undeniably adorable results. For this, you will need either a specially designed baby wrap (you can go for a simple white or pastel one, or one with a pretty pattern). Alternatively, if you don’t have a baby wrap handy, you can also use a soft towel or light blanket, and get much the same results.
Be careful when wrapping your baby, so as not to force anything. That’s something important that you will have to remember, whatever type of photoshoot you choose. Keep in mind that your number one priority should be your baby’s comfort and safety.
2. Baby Taco Time

As we were saying, when photographing your newborn, it’s important that you focus on comfortable, natural poses. And there’s none more natural than the “taco” pose, also more formally known as the womb pose.
In this position, your baby is lying on top of his hands (nestled under his head, with face to one side), and legs under his belly. Kinda like he would inside your womb, which is where the pose gets its name. You can do the taco pose on a rug, baby mat, in the crib, or on your bed. The advantage of the taco pose is that it won’t make your child uncomfortable or fussy, while also making for quite an adorable pose.
3. The more, the merrier

If your baby has older siblings, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be included in the photo shooting fun. In fact, including your other children in the photoshoot makes for an awesome, and creative family activity, that also doubles as an educational venture (since your children would be experimenting with photography).
Now, there are so many phenomenal ideas you can try with older children. If possible to purchase (or make) matching outfits for your older kids and your baby, which could provide a pretty sweet aesthetic. You could arrange the children in order of birth, or have one holding the baby, for a more intimate, and sweet pose.
4. What about a nature theme?

Another sweet baby photo idea that is just super easy to do is the nature-themed one. What we love about this one is that you can use existing house plants, or buy new ones. Whichever you choose, at the end of the day, you’re left with some neat baby photos, and plenty of decorative house plants to make your home greener, and calmer.
We recommend either dressing your baby in a thematic green outfit that will complement the theme or using a plain white baby outfit, to create a peaceful contrast. Surround your newborn with house plants of varying shapes and sizes, and pick a woody setting (such as the floor), for a more natural vibe.
For this particular photoshoot idea, it might be a good idea to use succulents, as these have a long life, and are fairly easy to care for. They are also great because many of them are non-threatening, should your little one suddenly move during the shoot.
5. Involve your pets.

Wondering what could make baby photos even cuter? The answer seems like a no-brainer. Pet photos. Just like involving your older children would add a dash of uniqueness, so would photographing your baby with your beloved pet(s).
The choices here are simply endless. You can photograph your pet looking at your child, as if for the first time, and that will make for a fun, innovative take. You can alternatively arrange both the pet and the baby to sleep side by side and take a picture of that.
If your pet is on the big, fluffy side, and peaceful, you might even get them to let your baby rest on them as you take the picture. Ideally, we suggest choosing your child’s outfit to complement your pet’s coloring and fur type.
Of course, as with pretty much all baby photos, discreet nudity will add a more natural, innocent touch, but if that’s not your style, remember you’ve got plenty of choices, clothing-wise.
6. Royalty in the House

A popular baby shoot idea that also works at home is the prince/princess theme. To do this theme, you only need an accessory baby crown that can be balanced on or attached to your child’s head, and ideally, a cute background.
For instance, a little princess might look well with a fluffy, pink background that can be created using a bed throw, a clean carpet, or other such household items. Depending on preference, you can opt for nudity, or a cute skirt, or a dress, to add a touch of regalness to your baby girl.
For boys, similarly, you can opt for minimalism, with your child’s head contently resting on his hands. If you’re looking for something a little more flamboyant, you can look around for a pair of chic suspenders or even a fancy cape. Really, one of the determining factors here is the available budget for your baby photoshoot.
7. Think about yourself.

As your child grows and evolves into their own distinct individual, you will have plenty of time to discover their personal interests and passions. But for now, it might be a cute idea to have them embrace some of yours.
Obviously, there’s a lot of room for adjustment on this one, but we thought it might be fun to photograph your newborn in a baseball setting, say if you’re a baseball fan. Passionate about ballet? Then put your baby in a tiny ballerina outfit, and capture this priceless moment.
Depending on your particular interest, you might be able to take such a photo with very few props, and additions, or you might have to look for some that are more specific. Still, it can be a fun and interesting way to tell the world that your baby is here. Depending on the theme, you will also get to choose a pose for your child, both comfortable and symbolic.
8. Pumpkin Shoots for Autumn Lovers.

If autumn is definitely your favorite season, and you just can’t get enough of those pumpkin lattes, and the color of leaves, then why not bring that into your baby photoshoot?
The great thing about this is that it’s super easy to do at home. You can use a maroon, orange or yellow blanket as background (to provide something clean for your baby to rest on). You can then use small pumpkins (real or artificial), and fallen leaves to create a unique, fall setting.
Pretty much any pose works well with this idea, asleep or awake, and if you’re going for a clothed baby, we recommend picking wool, or knitwear that fits the autumnal vibe.
9. Two words: wicker basket.

Chances are you’ve already got a wicker basket around in your home, in which case, you’ve already got the setting for not one, but multiple baby photo sessions. A simple, wicker basket will add a natural touch to your baby photoshoot, which most parents tend to love.
What’s great about this is, you can go for pretty much any outfit, a cute bunny ear beanie, or any other style you desire, and you will still get an adorable baby pic. As in the previous idea, you can use a lot of knitwear here to your advantage, or decorate the area around the basket to fit various themes, such as Christmas, Halloween, spring, or whatever else you might fancy.
Bonus Baby Photo Idea

Parents often stress themselves out too much overtaking unique, and lovely photos of their children, but we’re here to tell you - you’re overthinking it. Pretty much any baby photo you take (at home, at a studio, or anywhere else) will be special and beautiful to you, and that’s all that matters.
Personally, our all-time favorite baby photoshoot idea is photographing the child with one of the parents. A simple photoshoot, yet the bond between parent and child is the strongest bond of all, and at the end of the day, we think it trumps all the other baby photoshoot ideas in the world!
Still, if you’re looking to jazz it up a little, we hope these baby shoot ideas have got your wheels turning!
The post 9 Baby Photo Shoot Ideas at Home appeared first on GKFoodDiary - Homemade Indian Baby Food Recipes.