One and Done
I show you a fool proof way to keep your dresser drawers always organized. ALWAYS! I also show you how I fold my clothes using the Konmari ...
Closet declutter and organization tips using KonMari method to go from hoarder to minimalist! My journey to minimalism begins with cleaning out my closet and ...
Closet declutter and organization tips using KonMari method to go from hoarder to minimalist! My journey to minimalism begins with cleaning out my closet and ...
How to Pair Shirts & Ties with Gray Suits – A Guide to Wearing Grey
Next to the navy suit, a gray suit is an absolute men’s wardrobe staple. Why? More than just a good business suit, it can be paired with all sorts of shirt colors and ties, putting it on top of the versatility scale. Gray, in general, is a fantastic suit color because it comes in many different shades. A darker color may be better for winter, a really light color is great for summer. Three Must-Have Gray Suits Gianni Agnelli in charcoal grey flannel Charcoal Gray First on the list is the most formal shade, the so-called charcoal gray. It’s dark...
Competition for hosts modulates vast antigenic diversity to generate persistent strain structure in Plasmodium falciparum
A combination of computational modeling and empirical data reveals persistent strain structure despite vast antigenic diversity in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, with potential consequences for the acquisition of immunity. #howtoorganizeawardrobe
Special thanks to Sorted By Anna! Check out their organizing services here: Subscribe to BuzzFeed Nifty: About ...