We know, we know! It's only August and there's still plenty of summer left.
But Target just dropped their Hyde & Eek Boutique 2021 updates and we can't help but start thinking about our costume plans. (And these adorable rattan pumpkin lanterns, but that's another story.) As our go-to for stocking up on all things spooky, we've poked around to find the best Target Halloween costumes for babies, toddlers and kids.
Pro tip: Under the age of two are the golden years. Choose the coolest costume with reckless abandon. Because after that, your suggestions mean NOTHING. They're coming at you with their own ideas and you won't always love them. But if they ask to be an orange construction cone, Target has you covered. (And one in your size for #twinning.)
From the cutest produce to the tried-and-true classics, these are our top picks for Target Halloween costumes for babies, toddlers and kids!
Target Halloween Costumes For Babies
Baby Sloth

Who has six toes and is so cute it hurts? THIS GUY.
Lil' Avo

Who'd have thought trendy produce would also make the perfect first Halloween costume?
Mini Witch

Come for the mystical jagged-hemmed skirt, stay for that ridic adorbs hat. (And it comes in sizes for mama, toddler and bigger kids too for full family spell casting.)
Baby Skeleton

You say skeleton, I say Cobra Kai punk who jumped Johnny after the dance.
Tiny Unicorn

For the most magical of minis.
Baby Hulk

Be warned: This costume may induce crib break outs, nap strikes and crushing bottles with one hand.
Target Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
Beautiful Butterfly
It's really the antenna that sells this one. And the sparkly belly of course.
Pint-Sized Viking

Consider that candy bucket raided.
Witchy Kitty

Expect this one to get thrown into regular everyday rotation.
Busy Bee

The sweetest little pollinator we ever did see!
Mini Billionaire, er, um Astronaut

Move over Richard Branson. There's a new astronaut in town.
Miniature Construction Worker

No job too small!
Magical Mermaid

Swishy, shiny and totally adorable.
Target Halloween Costumes for Kids
Aspiring Doc

What's scarier than crushing student debt? KIDDING!
Puffy Pterodactyl

Just when we were ready to quit this inflatable trend we get pulled RIGHT BACK IN.
A Construction Cone. Because why not?

If you have ask "What kid would ever want to be a construction cone for Halloween?," you've clearly never met a kid. They're the most delightful weirdos and this makes total sense.

Watch out for Creepers!
Grim Reaper

Gotta love a mask that pulls double duty.
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