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Sexy Bridesmaid Dresses You’ll Actually Want to Wear Again


Tags Fashion, Lifestyle, Shopping, Wedding, Weddings

Sexy Bridesmaid Dresses You’ll Actually Want to Wear Again

Hear the words “bridesmaid dresses” and you’ll usually hear a resounding, “Gross!” soon after. It truly is a tragedy how bridesmaid dresses have gotten such a bad rep through the years. Poor color choices (puke green) and unfortunate design risks (HUGE bows) have become bad bridesmaid dress archetypes that make being a bridesmaid feel more like a curse rather than an honor. Maybe it’s because the bride has bad taste or an overbearing mother who thinks she knows fashun—whatever the case may be, though, one thing’s for certain: Sexy bridesmaid dresses do exist. You just have to know where to find...

Family photos! The very first thought that went through my mind after I scheduled our shoot was, of course, “what are we all going to wear?”

Family photos!  The very first thought that went through my mind after I scheduled our shoot was, of course, “what are we all going to wear?”

This was followed by, “I will need to buy us all new outfits.” It is so ingrained in me that these type of events require fresh, new clothes. Or at least, it was. Although this is the initial thought that goes through my mind, I’m snapping out of the habits of actually going out and buying the new items. I am so please with how our family photos turned out and the only place I shopped for myself and the girls, was our own closets. The girls wore a mix of hand-me-downs and thrifted items, along with a couple pieces...

A Guide for Trans People Transitioning in School—Written by Someone Who’s Done It


Tags BackToSchool, GenderTransition, Lifestyle, Transgender

A Guide for Trans People Transitioning in School—Written by Someone Who’s Done It

Deciding to own your truth and live as your authentic self is hard to do—and being transgender in a scholastic environment can feel like an added weight on your shoulders. If you are preparing to go to school within the next few weeks and are in the midst of a physical and/or hormonal transition, it can be hard to foresee a happy academic future. You may have questions such as, “How will peers perceive me, treat me, and socialize with me?” You want to be treated like everyone else, but most people may not understand. So, what should you do?...

A Guide for Trans People Transitioning in School—Written by Someone Who’s Done It


Tags BackToSchool, GenderTransition, Lifestyle, Transgender

A Guide for Trans People Transitioning in School—Written by Someone Who’s Done It

Deciding to own your truth and live as your authentic self is hard to do—and being transgender in a scholastic environment can feel like an added weight on your shoulders. If you are preparing to go to school within the next few weeks and are in the midst of a physical and/or hormonal transition, it can be hard to foresee a happy academic future. You may have questions such as, “How will peers perceive me, treat me, and socialize with me?” You want to be treated like everyone else, but most people may not understand. So, what should you do?...